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What is Voluma?

Voluma, an FDA-approved hyaluronic acid injectable from the Juvederm line, is a leading dermal filler. Specifically formulated to replenish volume in flat or gaunt cheeks, Voluma in New York City not only restores a youthful appearance but also incorporates advanced technology for precise and long-lasting results, with effects extending up to two years.

Voluma fillers leverage the science of hyaluronic acid (HA), a naturally occurring substance in the skin that diminishes with age. Its unique formulation uses Vycross technology, which combines different molecular weights of HA. This technology enhances the cross-linking and duration of the filler, allowing it to lift and add volume effectively.

When injected, Voluma binds to water molecules, restoring lost volume and providing a natural, youthful contour to gaunt cheeks. The precise science behind Voluma ensures safe, predictable, and long-lasting results.

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Before and After Results

Schedule a consultation with your plastic surgery team

Is Voluma Right for Me?

Ideal for those with gaunt cheeks seeking non-surgical facial rejuvenation, Voluma is suitable for candidates with specific qualifications. Good candidates exhibit volume loss in the midface, desire restored fullness, and are generally healthy. Voluma fillers are particularly effective for addressing age-related midface volume depletion.

During a consultation, our board-certified plastic surgeons assess individual needs, ensuring Voluma in New York City aligns with your aesthetic goals and offers the desired enhancement for a naturally youthful appearance.

Individuals with allergies to hyaluronic acid or a history of severe allergic reactions are not suitable candidates for Voluma. Pregnant or breastfeeding women should also avoid the treatment. Those with active skin infections or inflammation in the treatment area should postpone Voluma injections until the condition resolves.

What to Expect During a Consultation

Your journey with Voluma in New York City begins with a comprehensive consultation. Our experienced plastic surgery team, led by board-certified surgeons, ensures a personalized approach. We assess your facial anatomy, discuss your expectations, and address any problems.

The consultation covers the cost of getting Voluma, allowing you to make informed decisions. We showcase Voluma before and after results to illustrate potential transformations, guiding you toward a tailored treatment plan.

What Happens During a Treatment Session?

A Voluma treatment session for gaunt cheeks involves a series of meticulous steps. After a comprehensive consultation, our skilled providers administer Voluma fillers precisely to enhance cheek volume. The process typically takes about an hour, during which you may experience minimal discomfort.

Advanced techniques prioritize your comfort, ensuring a seamless experience. Following the session, you can resume daily activities. Transparent communication about Voluma in New York City cost and a focus on personalized care contribute to an enjoyable and productive experience, leaving you with rejuvenated and volumized cheeks.

What Is Aftercare Like?

  • Apply cold compresses intermittently during the first 24 hours to minimize swelling and bruising.
  • Avoid strenuous activities and excessive sun exposure for a few days after treatment.
  • Sleep with an extra pillow to elevate your head, reducing swelling.
  • Hydrate well and refrain from touching or massaging the treated area.
  • Regularly communicate with our team for guidance and follow-up.

This personalized aftercare approach ensures a smooth recovery, enhancing your satisfaction with Voluma for achieving natural facial rejuvenation.

How Long Will Results Last?

One of the critical advantages of Voluma fillers is their longevity. Enjoy the benefits of restored cheek volume for up to two years. The duration may vary based on individual factors, and our team discusses realistic expectations during the consultation. Factors such as metabolism and lifestyle can influence the longevity of results.

Regular follow-up appointments allow us to monitor your progress and address any concerns, ensuring continued satisfaction.

Why Choose Us

At Medique, we have redefined goals providing an extraordinary level of care through an individualized patient experience.  Patients will be able to build a continued relationship with their provider.  We deliver an unparalleled level of care by a plastic surgery team of providers led by board-certified plastic surgeons, offering non-surgical facial rejuvenation, as well as surgical services. 
Schedule a Consultation with Medique NYC today!
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Contact Us

Ready to enhance your natural beauty with Volbella? Contact Medique NYC today to schedule your consultation. Experience the specific benefits of Volbella and discover how it can rejuvenate your appearance with natural-looking and long-lasting results.

Frequently Asked Questions

How does Medique's education and experience in plastic surgery contribute to allowing your providers to achieve better aesthetic results for patients?
No one knows the anatomy of the face and body better than a board-certified plastic surgeon and their team. Medique is not a spa made up of nurses with a non-existent MD director. It’s a team of plastic surgeons and physician associates, all qualified specialists in both invasive and non-invasive aesthetics.
From a patient experience perspective, (consultation, follow-up care, etc.), what are some things that would immediately stand out relative to going to a med spa owned/operated by a non MD business owner?

Complications can be avoided by searching for the correct provider to perform your procedure. Medique is where patients who want experts in plastic surgery caring for them come for care which is very different from an aesthetic injector (nurse, dentist, medical assistant) who has much less experience and knowledge.

How does Volbella differ from other Juvederm products?
Volbella, part of the Juvederm collection, is specifically designed for the lips and perioral area, focusing on subtle enhancement and smoothing of lip lines. Unlike other Juvederm products that target volume and contour in various facial areas, Volbella uses Vycross technology to provide a smooth, natural look and feel, ensuring your lips retain natural movement and softness.
How long do the effects of Volbella last?
The duration of Volbella's effects can vary based on individual factors, such as metabolism, lifestyle, and the specific area treated. Generally, patients can expect the results to last up to 12 months. Regular follow-up sessions can maintain the desired aesthetic.
Is a Volbella treatment painful, and what kind of anesthesia is used?
Patient comfort is paramount during Volbella treatments. Most patients report a mild sensation with minimal discomfort, thanks to the lidocaine in the product. Additionally, topical or local anesthesia may be used to ensure a comfortable experience throughout the procedure.
Can Volbella be combined with other cosmetic treatments?
Yes, Volbella can be part of a holistic treatment plan, complementing other non-invasive treatments such as Botox or skincare regimens. When combined thoughtfully, treatments can enhance overall facial aesthetics, providing a balanced and rejuvenated appearance.
How much does a Volbella treatment cost, and is it covered by insurance?
The cost of Volbella treatments varies depending on the treatment area and the amount of product used. Volbella is considered a cosmetic procedure and is typically not covered by insurance. Financing options and payment plans may be available to help manage the costs.
What Should I Expect During My First Volbella Treatment Session?
Your first session will begin with a consultation to discuss your aesthetic goals and review your medical history. The actual treatment is quick, usually taking less than an hour. Post-treatment, some patients may experience slight swelling or bruising, which typically resolves within a few days.
Close-up of beautiful woman getting injection in the cosmetology salon

 Schedule a consultation with Medique NYC today!

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